Monday, August 14, 2006
Depression is starting to sink in again and this time its worse den ever. How i wish yvonne is here with me, but she's in australia. I really hate this but i got no choice but to do stupid things to get over it. Singapore has became such a hateful place for me, I don't know how to face it. Just get me out of my depression before i start smoking.
breezed in at 11:45 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I miss those days when we sit behind the grandstand for hours just to wait for our hair to be cut.
I miss those days when we played Risk till 4 in the morning.
I miss those days when we kept saying we'll see each other at clubs in our dreams, and joke abt who will send who to the club.
I miss those days when we get punished together and actually enjoy every minute of it.
I miss those days when we spray shaving foam on each other and take pictures of it.
I miss those days when we competed to see who can strip the fastest while running up the stairs.
I miss all the time we spend together.
I miss you guys, and I miss the training we had.
Let me go back to BTC with BUNK 41.
breezed in at 10:14 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
This is the proudest i've ever felt for ndp this year.
Singapore is my home. This is where I wanna be.
Don't laugh because I'm serious. It's just your problem if u're not.
breezed in at 7:55 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
I was shopping ard with yvonne that day and I saw this pair of shoes.
Today, I went back and bought it.

I know I know, don't be jealous.
*fucking big grins*
breezed in at 11:59 PM