Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I actually updated my blog yesterday, and after I publised it, I realised I actually updated on the wrong blog, and I stop using that blog because that blog had some html errors that I couldn't rectify. Because of that, there's no way I can copy and paste my entry here. So I have to type it all out again. This is one reason why bloggers should always draft out their entry notepad first before copying and pasting everything to publish it.
Anyway, A's results are out tomorrow. I sort of discussed it with LinLuan, and she said she feels nervous about it. However, I don't feel anything. Nothing at all. I hope it wouldn't be like O's, I didn't feel anything, and in the end, I was the one who cried like shit. Oh well, I can't gauge how well or how badly I didn't, so just wait and see lor.
I have been swimming alot lately. I mean ALOT. I actually bother to wake myself up and get my ass at the pool. And because of this, I'm damn tanned now. I mean DAMN tanned. Yeah. Realise I used "I mean..." twice in this paragraph. This show how much I meant it. Photos to prove how tanned I got. It's my tann-line anyway, not asscrack or what-so-ever.

Recently went to GNC to sign up for membership and got myself 2bottle of weight gainer. Cost me $100+ for 2, but regulars should know that 1 big bottle itself cost that price already, so it's quite a good deal. The big bottle is really big. REALLY BIG! Got photo as proof also. The spoon inside to scoop the powder also damn big. The coke bottle is to show how damn big the bottle and spoon is, and note that the coke is 1.5L.

Damn big right?! Anyway I damn lazy to blog already, gonna go wash up and stuff.
breezed in at 11:47 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I'm suppose to be on my way out now, but I'm still here and since I'm still here then I'll just blog.
I had my Vday dinner yesterday and it's fantastic.
breezed in at 6:04 PM
Friday, February 10, 2006
I'm damn pissed!
(Warnings: Spoilers ahead. Proceed with precaution)
I was watching Survivor just now, same time telecast as USA.
I thought that this season will be the best, because for once, we have 4 tribes instead of 2.
BUT HELL NO! The freaking merge the 4 tribes into 2 when they're only showing episode 2.
It's like so what the fuck! The younger woman are like food, tempting the younger-horny-man, and i thought this temptation will go well into the 7 or 8th episode.
But now, the man are practically having their lust fulfilled, and in the next episode, they're getting a body rub from the young woman. That will be orgasmic for the guys( I bet they came in their shorts) especially they're out in this remote island and the next best thing they can come across to a vagina is a squid. (Yes, guys to pull out the squid head and fuck the squid body when they're horny. I believe it's recorded in 101 SURVIVOR FOR NABY MEN)
This move really pissed me off so much, I switched off the tv. Fine, I was close to switching it off, until the last survivor who wasn't chosen to be part of any of the 2 tribes was sent to the exile island.
This fucking hell of a lucky guy was exempted from tribal council, and he'll take over the member who was voted off the island. So damn lucky. And he also get's a chance at the immunity idol. Cool.
Anyway, I'm pretty much done with survivor because it's so freaking passè.
Anyway, I did went jogging today. I'm glad I didn't procrastinate because this will be a good start before I enlist. If I carry on my jogging routine, I suppose I'll be ready to handle tougher PT.
I realise I'm having this problem of blogging properly, because my train of thoughts are going everywhere, and when I put it down on the dashboard, it seems pretty messy.
Anyway, I realise recently that fat people will always remain fat, because of their legs. I think legs are the hardest part for fat people to slim them down. Slim people, obviously, are born with slim legs, while fat people have fat legs. Both slim and fat people can tone their legs, with the to-die-for calf muscles(damn! I hope I have them, which I obviously don't). But, fat people's legs will always look stocky, no matter how thin their body will be, while slim people will continue to have to-die-for legs.
Anyway, I do not discrimate against fat people, if not I wouldn't be friends with xiao rou bao. Right, Elena?
Anyway, just as i was tagging and surfing the web, I came across this on my taskbar.

(sorry arh, photo alittle bit small, because I don't know how to make it bigger)
For awhile, I thought I was surfing porn. And worse of all, it's drag porn.
(Whisper from a drag.........on)Then I realise it's my blog. PHEW~
Sian. I need to go and prepare to meet Elena now.
UPDATES!!!Just came back from town. Was in holland earlier on. Suddenly had a urge to get a haircut, so I did.
(Bloody bugger beside me. She insisted on being in the photo, and apparently, I insisted otherwise.)I had like standard hair( standard as in almost every guy had it once at any one point of their lives), and suddenly I just felt so sick of it, I decided to get rid of them all.
(That's how fugly I used to look, and still continue to look like.)Me and Elena were like rotting at Holland's Starbucks, and we were getting so bored, so she suggested to go town. Which we did, and I somehow managed to link town and getting a haircut, so I got a haircut.
Somehow the barber didn't understand what I wanted, so he had to cut my hair 3times before he gave me what I wanted. And the way he used this brush thingy to brush my head was like as if I was a pot that havent been washed for months. I suspect he's racist.
After having our muffins and bagels at Starbucks at Paragon, making our way to Heerens, when a girl selling flower came up to us.
flower seller: Hi Mister, would you like to buy some flower for...
me: No thanks. She's not my girlfriend anyway..
flower seller: Haha, alright sir.That's a good way of rejecting all this flower vendors.
Anyway, me and Elena were shopping and was walking around in NUM. While I was looking at some tanning oil stuff, Elena suddenly came up to me.
Elena: Eh, I got a confession to make. Go out go out.
Me: Huh? Gossip arh?! Okie okie.. Faster go out.. Faster faster..
Elena: Remember that time we went Sentosa, and we bought this bottle of tanning oil? You thought we lost it right? Actually I brought it home..Can you believe? She lied to me then lor!!! She kept telling me it's gone..it's gone..it's gone.. So it's with her all these while. SHE LIED!!
I'm getting bored. So I think I shall log off and read MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA. I know I lagging, but what to do, HMV selling it at $10.95. It's so damn worth it.
Okie, it's damn freaking obvious that I'm getting bored. Oh well.
breezed in at 2:57 PM
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Okie, my blog is properly done up. I think I just made myself look like another blogger-wannabe.
Anyway, was talking to Elena just now about how we lack money, and she asked me to sell my backside to a fellow friend.
elena says: u go sell urself to her
elena says: see how much u get?
[Dejai is resurrected] says: eh
[Dejai is resurrected] says: shld be alot lar
elena says: later she say, guohao...i give u eat my saiAfter awhile, for no apparent reason, we talked about her again.
elena says: she reminds me of sm n bondage
[Dejai is resurrected] says: yeah
elena says: especially that time she went for the halloween party with what she wore
[Dejai is resurrected] says: she's like so into all those stuff
elena says: DEN U SURE SUFFER
[Dejai is resurrected] says: wah
[Dejai is resurrected] says: i like..And somehow, Elena have a fetish for eating penises.
elena says: you got watch tab tv anot?
[Dejai is resurrected] says: nv lar..
[Dejai is resurrected] says: forget to watch
[Dejai is resurrected] says: but yvonne got tell me..
elena says: the mutilators
[Dejai is resurrected] says: the cannible eat the lanjiao
elena says: i nv eat that wanOh, last but not least, Elena wanted me to post this picture of her.

But, I decided to post this along with all the conversations.
elena says: even if u put my face...i sure become famous as fuck!So there you go, a girl that is so famous, you'll get to see her everytime you fuck someone or when you get fuck.
breezed in at 11:07 PM
I know, I havent been blogging for a long time, and I've decided to use a simple blogskin that allows me to have a tagboard. Not that this one doesn't, it's just that I don't know where I can fit the tag board in.
Anyway Chinese New Year's over, and my bank account is fatter by about 500bucks. Nothing much happened on CNY, except that this year, my mom took 4hours to prepare
lunc-ner(lunch and dinner, like your brunch thingy). It's amazing how she manage to withstand the heat and just keep cooking non-stop for my whole family. Of 30+ people.
I know it's alittle late for me to blog about CNY when this sunday will be the 15th day of the first lunar month. Just can't seem to find the mood to blog.
But today's different.
BECAUSE!!! I passed my Basic Theory Evaluation. And that means I can sit for my Basic Evaluation Test, which after that, I can apply for my Provisional Driving License and start my practical lesson, and at the same time, scare the shit out of all the pedestrain in Bukit Batok, Bukit Gombak and Choa Chu Kang area. Just like how they scare the shit out of me when I was still studying in PEE JAY SEE.
And that's the only way to motivate myself to keep going for lesson. Nice~
Anyway, I bought a new game last week for my Xbox( Xbox
leh, the game can't be any new-er).
Silent Hill 4 - The Room
Okie, so a review for the game.
It's pretty creepy. I only managed to start the game, move around in his room, and I got freaked out.
Conclusion: Guohao is a WIMP.
Lately, I keep flipping through old photos and I realised something. I'm narcisstic. In-denial somemore. Super

How can someone so ugly, like me, be narcisstic? I just don't understand.
Wanted to post some photos of xiao rou bao, hello kitty and siti nurhaliza, but blogger is failing me, so forget it.
I need to jog tomorrow, I need to swim again before I enlist, and also, I need to go tanning.
I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. Meanwhile, I'll go find a new blogskin.
breezed in at 8:20 PM